Board of Directors:

Gaby Pysnik, President
Ellen Robinson, Vice-President
Roseanne Monroe, Treasurer
Pat Seibert, Secretary
Regina Davis
Bette Wagner
Gloria Papastrat
Becky Leidy
Pat Howard

Annual Membership Drive

The Friends of the Libraries has begun their annual membership drive for 2024. We are a non-profit organization formed to develop supplemental funding to actively support the Sidney Memorial Public Library and its branch in Masonville. We have supported the libraries and funded the following in 2023 and 2024 so far:

  • Live programs to enhance the children’s Summer Reading Program that include: Doug the Bubbleman, Moreland the Magician, Musical Storytime w/ Danielle & Trish, Night Dinosaur Expedition Adventure, and the materials for two Escape Room adventures. Over 1000 participants enjoyed these programs!
  • Prizes, books, and supplies for the Summer Reading Program at Sidney and the Masonville Branch.
  • Books for PreK thru Grade 12 book clubs.
  • Pizza and snacks for expanded Teen & Tween nights.
  • Support for a Teen-Con night and Family Interactive Movie showings during school breaks.
  • Sponsored a concert by nationally recognized guitarist, Peter Fletcher.
  • Supplemental supplies for adult craft workshops.
  • Refreshments for a welcome reception for Patrick McGowan, our new Director.
  • Hot chocolate and craft activities for our pre-parade Holly Jolly event.
  • Purchase of a set of sensory wall panels for the children’s area in memoriam of Marsha Honsaker.
  • Purchase of food for the annual library staff development day, which took place on 3/22/2024.
  • DVD’s, water, and fresh popcorn for Friends Movie programs.
  • We purchased the movie license that allows for the public viewing of movies at the libraries.
  • Video circuit fee that provides DVD’s to the Masonville branch.
  • The Book Page, a monthly publication about new books, is sponsored by the Friends.
  • We provided the flowers for the planters at the Sidney and Masonville libraries, and thank the Sidney Hill and Valley Garden Club for their assistance in planting and watering.
  • In appreciation to the hard working staff at the libraries, we recognized their dedication with gifts for Library week and the end of the year.

Your generous donations have helped make all of this possible, and we thank you for your past support.  We were able to resume the Grand Book Sale this autumn and the twice-monthly Books a la Cart sales. However, your membership support is the mainstay of our ability to enhance library programs. 

If you wish to show your support, you can pick up one of our membership forms at the library, click here to download and print the form, or you can contact Denise McCabe- Edwards at  Because we are a non-profit, all donations are tax deductible.

The Board members of the Friends of the Libraries thank you for your consideration.

Book Discussion Group

The Friends of the Libraries book discussion group meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 11:30am in the Smart Community Room, dates will be next to the month. New members are always welcome.

If you would like to join the Book Discussion Group and need a copy of the book, just stop by our circulation desk and ask for one.


The Friends show a movie on the big screen once a month. This event is free and open to the public. Movies are shown in the Smart Community Room on the 4th Sunday of the month, beginning at 1:30 pm.

  • March 23rd @ 1pm — Wicked

Book Sales

The Friends of the Libraries sponsor both a la carte (small) and large book sales.

  • Books A La Carte (smaller sale)
    • Friends of the Libraries Books a la Carte book sales take place on the 1st Saturday and 3rd Saturday of each month in the Library’s lobby from 10:30 am -1:00 pm. Lots of items for sale at VERY reasonable prices! Stop in and browse. We will have items of interest for everyone.
  • Specific Dates, all from 10:30am to 1:00pm:
    • March 1st
    • March 15th
    • April 5th
    • April 19th
    • May 3rd
    • May 17th
    • June 7th
    • June 21st
  • Grand Book Sale – every fall and spring
    • The Grand Book Sale is much larger than the Books A La Carte, and offers more books and different media, including magazines and movies.

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Friends of the Libraries is held each year in February in the Smart Community Room of the Sidney Memorial Public Library in Sidney, NY.

The agenda will include a financial report and a review of activities supported by the Friends of the Libraries. All members of the Friends of the Libraries are invited to attend.